The command-line is awesome

But building on it has been hard for web developers. Vorpal is a framework that makes it easy to build mature, immersive command-line applications in JavaScript.

Simple Syntax

Use familiar JavaScript syntax and chained methods to build commands and customize your application.

Powerful Defaults

Vorpal has built-in tabbed autocompletion for your commands and options, persistent command history, piping and automated help pages.

Immersive Experience

Most command-line applications do something and then exit. Vorpal engages your users in a rich, interactive environment entirely under your control.

Try it Out







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Vorpal is built on Node.js and installed through npm, Node's package manager.

Get Started

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Read a Tutorial

Read a detailed tutorial that walks you through building a new Vorpal application from scratch.

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Visit the Wiki

Visit the Vorpal Wiki for API documentation and helpful tips.

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Chat with Others

Use Gitter to chat with other people developing applications with Vorpal.

Who's using Vorpal?

While still young, Vorpal is already helping Open Source developers build a brand new breed of immersive command-line applications.

Mozilla Raptor

Vorpal helped Mozilla developers in making Raptor, a performance tester for Firefox.


German developer Michael Kühnel used Vorpal in building an app for controlling iTunes playback from your terminal.


Developer Giovanni Parra used Vorpal to create a command-line app for interacting with Trello.

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